Monday, January 23, 2012

Change In the Air

Well the new year is underway and with it lots of changes for me, my family, and bebeknits! Graduations, job changes, moving family, children leaving and children returning, a growing business, new priorities....
It is all so exciting and yet stressful at the same time!
Deepak Chopra said,"All great changes are preceded by chaos". So true! The calm and thoughtfulness that comes from knitting may help to counter the chaos that I feel as so many changes occur.
We all need activities that calm and center us. Knitting and walking do it for me, but not at the same time!

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Happy New Year!

The new year has arrived and with it the feeling of hope and anticipation of good things to come. It is a new start, with plans for fitness and organization and time better spent! The new year always make me pause to remember what is most important and reflect on whether my actions match up with my goals.

So as 2012 begins and I organize and exercise and think about how I am spending my precious days, I know that this year will be a year of change in my life. Jim Rohn said " Your life does not get better by chance, it gets better by change". Here's to spending more of my time doing what I love and being with those I love!

As Bebeknits grows the need to keep yarn and needles, buttons and ribbons, finished and unfinished projects, packaging and paperwork organized is a challenge! The creative process can be messy! One of my favorite organizers are beautiful baskets that temporarily store my little bebeknits until I add the finishing touches.