Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Let it Snow!

A huge lake effect snowstorm over the last few days has kept me pretty close to home and given me plenty of quality time to add the finishing touches to this new collection of toddler slippers!

A pot of freshly brewed coffee and the snowflakes outside my window were just what was needed to wrap up a month long project to modify the Bebeknits Normandy Toddler Slipper Pattern. The basic pattern was created this summer while touring the Normandy countryside during a family trip to France. It was toddler tested on my 3 year old niece upon our return and was found to have wonderful "stay on"powers!

Having completed all of the test knitting,  finishing, photo editing, and pattern writing feels terrific!  
As with any overwhelmingly large task, it helps to take just a few small steps towards completion at a time. Even though a project is large and time consuming, doing just a little at a time adds up and then one day, like today, it will all come together! Knitting is like that and in many ways so is life. It is the small, but regular activities and attention that we give them that add up. Regular exercise, adequate sleep, eating well, and being grateful can add up to a healthy life. Taking the stairs, parking farther away, using hand weights for 5 minutes, skipping dessert on occasion, getting a good night's sleep tonight, eating a new veggie, giving a hug, thanking someone; all small activities that add up over time.

Don't let the magnitude of your life's projects overwhelm you. Just take small manageable steps towards your goals and before you know it, it will all come together! Good Luck!